Course information

  • Course Name: SQL
  • Course Duration: 40 days
  • Teaching Style: Offline

Course Description

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is the standard language for managing and manipulating relational databases. Learn to design, query, and manage databases efficiently for effective data storage and retrieval.

This course includes
  • Introduction
  • Syntax
  • Select
  • Select Distinct
  • Where
  • Order By
  • AND, OR, NOT
  • Insert Into
  • Null Values
  • Update, Delete
  • Select Top
  • Min and Max
  • Count, Sum, Avg
  • Like
  • Wild Card
  • In, Between
  • Aliases
  • Joints
  • Union
  • Group By, Having
  • Exists
  • Any, all
  • Select into
  • Insert into select
  • Case
  • Null function
  • Stored Procedure
  • Comments, Operators
  • SQL Database
  • Create DB, Drop DB
  • Backup DB
  • Create Table, Drop Table
  • Alter Table
  • Not Null, Unique
  • Primary Key, Foreign Key
  • Check
  • Default
  • Index
  • Auto Increment
  • Dates, Views
  • Data Types